Sunday, July 29, 2012

New E-Scrap Video: Recovering Gold & Precious Metal from Computer Components

Hi - I just uploaded my very first YouTube video. It's pretty good, but I do see some room for improvement. This one is about the basics of tearing down scrap computers for their gold and precious metal bearing components. Once I have torn down these 80 or so computers I'll then do some research about getting the most return for the effort. This will include a review of various e-scrap buyers, looking into possible values in hard drives, dvd/cd drives, selling cards with or without the gold fingers, etc. Also, I hope to find some good info on selling some components for reuse. All or most of this should be in the next video.

For now Check out the new e-waste video on youtube

Good Hunting,


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Download How to Make Money in the Home Based Salvage and Recycling Business - Link Fixed

I spend so much time doing salvage and recycling that, at times, I don't pay enough attention to the Recycling Secrets website. I just discovered that the link to purchase the eBook How to Make Money in the Home Based Salvage and Recycling Business was missing! I'm not sure how long it has been missing, but if you have attempted to purchase the eBook and could not, my apologies.

The page is now working correctly. You may now download the eBook How to Make Money in the Home Based Salvage and Recycling Business without further problems.

Again, sorry for the inconvenience.

BTW, I'm breaking down 80+ computers over the next few days. I'll report back on what I've recovered and who I've decided to sell the material to.

Good Hunting,


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These works by Michael R. Meuser are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
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